汽車透明教學模型選用透明有機玻璃制作,內中部件均以硬質塑料料加工,用 螺絲固定在金屬高溫烘漆而成的車架上。各總成部分都以壓模成形加 工,代替過去膠粘合的方法,使產品在強度上有很大提高。發(fā)動機總成用電機驅動,在油門處設有調速裝置,能演示發(fā)動機轉速高低。離合器分離明顯,操縱靈活,離合器外殼整體壓模而成,變速箱和各檔齒輪用各種顏色表示,換檔靈活,手制動美觀。后橋外形壓模而成,內中主減速、差速轉動自如,輪轂剎蹄壓模成型,剎蹄可調節(jié),前橋輪鼓可調整,轉向裝置以及電瓶、油箱、水箱,制動管路分布清楚一目了然。電路采用對插件前后分布,燈架、風窗、儀表板、后燈架用透明有機玻璃壓模成整體美觀逼真。
1122 type teaching model with the car transparent junior colleges, universities, troops, transportation, public security system car driving training, automobile and other professional teaching with, through the specialized curriculum teaching and this model can be clear about demo, car inner parts of the structure and function, make the students master the soon professional knowledge.
Car transparent teaching model choose transparent glass production, including organic parts are to hard plastic materials processing, with the screw in the high temperature baking finish on a metal frame. The assembly parts molding to add workers, instead of forming in the past, the method of adhesive and products in intensity have greatly improved. Engine assembly with motor drive, the accelerator has several control device, can demo engine speed high and low. Clutch obvious, manipulation, flexible press mould and whole clutch shell, gearbox and each file into gear with all sorts of color said, shift flexible, hand braking beautiful. Driving axle appearance of a pressing dies, the slowdown, differential turn freely, wheel brake shoe pressure mold to shape and brake shoe can adjust, front axle round drum can be adjusted, steering device and battery, fuel tanks, water tanks, brake pipe distribution clear at a glance. The circuit of the plugin, light support, distribution and the wind window, instrument panel, organic glass chandelier after with transparent press mould into the whole beautiful vivid.